Social Media platforms keep taking down our posts. We are being limited as to what information we can post. Please keep checking the website for event details. All the details will be here. PLEASE like and share any information that does get posted.
Thanks for your help!
Ranges will be closed on
Saturday, October 5 from 10 am to 1 pm.
PLEASE plan your visit accordingly.
Welcome to the Ke​ystone Rod & Gun Club
Please join us for our public events!
Ranges are NOT open to the public!
Range use is by membership only.
2024 Membership & Renewals
Available after the 7:30 Monthly Meetings or by appointment only.
In person only - No Mail ins.
No memberships prior to the meeting.
Please come out and help with our fall events. We need many people to make these events successful. Come to the September 9th monthly meeting or send an email to see where you can help out.
Wednesday Nights
Trap Shooting Under the Lights
Start around 6:30-7:00 or when the sun goes behind the hill, $5 per round, 25 birds per round
Open to the public. Beginners welcome! Weather permitting!
Runs through August (or September or October) depending on the turnout and weather.
Saturday Night Block Shoot
September 28, 5-9
Meat prizes, gift cards and more!
Shells provided - Family Friendly - Public Invited
Tickets are available on meeting nights after the 7:30 meeting, public events or send an email to set up a time to pick them up.
If you or your business would like to sponsor a wheel spin prize or a basket, please contact us. Or come to a meeting and speak to the committee.
We are now registering for the holiday craft fair.
See flier for details.
To print registration form click HERE.
To see vendor information, click HERE.
To get forms as a pdf, email
Monthly Club Meeting - 2nd Monday of each month at 7:30 pm
Membership - New applications and renewals are available on Meeting nights after the 7:30 meeting. No memberships or renewals prior to the meeting. Or by appointment.
Ongoing & Upcoming Events
Monthly Membership Meeting
Held on the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:30 pm.
Block Shoots/Meat Raffle
New event:
Saturday Night, September 28, 5-9 pm
Meat prizes, gift cards and more.
Shells provided, Family Friendly.
Open to the Public.
Fall shoots: October 20, November 17
1-5 pm. Bring 12 or 20 ga.
Shells provided. Family Friendly.
Open to the Public.
Wednesday Night Trapshooting Under the Lights
Starts 6:30-7:00 or when the sun goes behind the hill. $5 per round, 25 birds per round.
Open to the public. Beginners welcome!
Weather permitting!
Sportsman Night Raffle
October 12, 6-10, doors open at 5. Tickets available at all public events or by appointment, also available at the door. See flier above for more info.
Auxiliary Holiday Craft Fair
December 7, 10-3 pm. Registration now open for the craft fair. See flier above or on the events page for links to the registration form and vendor information.
Check out our table at
the Moore Twp Car Show on September 15 at 9 am-2 pm, Sportsman's Night Tickets will be available
and we will be in The Bath Halloween Parade* on October 15th
*we are accepting candy donations to hand out at the parade- drop off candy or $ at the Sept. 28 block shoot or Sept. 9 meeting. Anyone who wants to volunteer to decorate or walk in the parade-come to the Sept. 9 meeting or contact us.
​About Us
​About Us
The Keystone Rod and Gun Club was started in 1941 by employees of the Keystone Cement Company of Bath Pennsylvania, and formally incorporated as a non-profit corporation in 1974. We have a long history of supporting hunting, fishing, and shooting sports in our area. Members have access to 100 yard rifle, 25 yard pistol ranges, a trap range, and an outdoor archery range. We support and host shooting events for the Northampton County Jr. Conservation School, the 4H club, and local Boy Scout Troops. We also host numerous other events throughout the year to encourage young and old a like to become more involved in the outdoors and shooting sports.
Email: Visit us at 243 Mulberry Street, Bath PA 18014 Like us on Facebook
Promoting Hunting, Fishing and Shooting Sports for over 50 years
Keystone Rod & Gun Club
Keystone Rod & Gun Club